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永遠的胖胖 論壇 • 檢視主題 - [微風往事] [求助]請問到美國唸書的一些問題?

[微風往事] [求助]請問到美國唸書的一些問題?

也可以說是古董陳列室, 考古研究所, 國家檔案局, 古蹟保護處...... whatever...
資料庫搬家好多次,但我不是電腦專業人士,同一個資料庫換了host就再也不聽使喚,......只好學螞蟻用最笨的方式慢慢搬~~ 歡迎一起來翻箱倒櫃.
文章: 311
註冊時間: 2010-08-01, 16:12
來自: East Bay
文章發表於 : 2010-08-02, 23:14


(這篇文章已經被閱讀了 236 次) 時間:2004/04/19 00:04am 來源:神兒

不好意思 我不知道能不能在這問這些問題,如果有違反規定的話,先說對不起‧
1.我在考慮是否有必要帶nb過去或是帶多功能的三頻機pda或ppc了 ((目前這些都還沒買))


※我不知道我是不是一時慌了,想太多..(原諒我對環境不了解) 我是該帶
1.nb+手機+相機 (最大支出選擇),但我怕我自己沒能好好利用,雖然我會用自己的coco去買(ps:目前剛退伍 存款越來越少中) 這半年學費是先由家裡支出的,可是想到父母的壓力就心酸酸...(因為我姐是在英國明年才會畢業 我這一出去家裡付擔變大了)
2.帶像 p900+dc 兩樣 ,過去後看需求再打算....
目前是先過去半年,若未達到理想目標會再待下去 (主要當然是學語文,若大大有這方便的經驗也希望能給小弟我多多了解).... 話打的漏漏長拍水 "


驢蛋 發表於: 2004/04/19 01:58am

1. 多功能三頻機會把付電話帳單的人氣死,用電話卡最省
5. 只有半年,簽約開門號至少一年划不來,真要用手機來美後買那種預付卡的手機就好

驢蛋 發表於: 2004/04/19 02:07am


suewun 發表於: 2004/04/19 06:23am

Yes yes, I agree!!
I vote for:

1. Notebook Computer, purchased in Taiwan with XP so that you can write/read Chinese), plus wireless network card, and built-in microphone. This is most necessary, b/c you need to do homework on notebook, you will use email, and you will save your pictures in it. If you have MSN Messenger set up for your parents you can even talk for free over the Internet.

Wireless Connection: I know of a few places in San Francisco that offers wireless internet connection (i.e. SF State U's business building has wireless connection; the Canvas Cafe on 9th+Irving has wireless connection.) I am sure more places in SF have it. Maybe your homestay has DSL, in which case your wireless card will come in very handy if they are willing to get a router (or you can get a router for $40 or so.) Although this is not necessarily available everywhere, I think it is a good idea. Even if your homestay does not have wireless connection, if you go to somewhere like Canvas Cafe once or twice every week, it's still worth your while to have wireless network card.

2. Digital Camera, purchased in Taiwan and tested to connect with your notebook so that you know it works from Day 1. My personal opinion is that you don't need a very expensive one--just one that would take decent picture is good enough. You may even want to compare prices online (www.amazon.com) and decide whether to buy it once you get to San Francisco. You can have it shipped to your homestay family's address within a few days, and if you buy online here in U.S. there is no sales tax.

3. Chinese/English translator machine--preferrably the kind with speaker so that you can learn pronounciation as well.

Things I don't think are necessary are: PDAs, cell phone, PPCs.

PDA: not necessary b/c notebook computer is good enough for everything. Instead of a PDA, I actually find a real notebook (paper-kind) more useful and you will not have that many problems with it, no battery and so on, hehe!

Cell phone: this may be good, but depends on how frequently your family would want to speak with you, and how much you want to spend.

Without cell phone, your family/friends call you at your homestay, and you call (on a telephone card) to them anytime, anywhere, even with a public pay phone. That's pretty convenient too.

Of course you should exercise courtesy, and polite behavior is always appreciated, but homestay should allow you to be contacted at their residence, which I think is very reasonable.

Telephone cards are very cheap, (please refer to website for telephone card for your reference: http://www.worldphonecard.com/) but if you want your family to be able to find you right away, whenever they want, then a cell phone is indeed convenient.

If you need a cell phone, I recommend buying one from Taiwan, and reserving it for only emergency. You can use the same cell phone in Taiwan as well after you leave the United States. This is so that your family can find you. You just have to be careful not to have anyone call you except for emergency.

Money you spend now on these equipment will be very worthwhile when you think back, plus they are things you can use after you return to Taiwan too.


神兒 發表於: 2004/04/19 04:01pm

看完你們給我的意見,我也稍為有點頭續了,今早也拿回了I-20不過因為我是五月要過去,所以代辦中心說HOMESTAY 資料說要五月初後才會來,我也盡量請他幫我找有提供網路的說. 只是可能還要看運氣囉‧
我要去的地方呀 之前也有位大大有問過了,不過後來她打消念頭�@@不曉得後來有去嗎?">P@@不曉得後來有去嗎?
就是 SAN RAFAEL ELS-Dominican University of California 我是一次報半年囉,雖然也怕交通不便 不過我想就只通勤學校跟當地家庭的話 是不是應該還好ㄅ @@?
SO...初步應該是決定NB了,我再去爬爬文看怎麼比較便宜符合需求的機種了,手機話若有得話我就帶去好了,同SUE大說的就當急用囉 大部份我想應該也是我打回去報個狀況,次數應該隨著適應越來越少越來越固定‧
如果對我要去的地方 有啥有利的資料 也歡迎告知我喔.......再次謝

suewun 發表於: 2004/04/25 12:11pm

Hi Just wanted to let you know that San Rafael is very far from San Francisco without a car. So, my experience and advice is limited to San Francisco with regards to going online using a wireless network card. I heard that some of the Starbucks in the States provides wireless connection. You may want to try around Dominican University.

神兒 發表於: 2004/04/27 05:05pm

suewun謝唷 !我會參考你的忠告滴!
我現在美簽還沒辦好說 cc 好麻煩要填一堆東西=.=|||


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